NCover is the leading .NET code coverage tool used to improve software quality in over 1 in 4 Fortune 100 companies.

Every Product Starts With A Question

Our mission is to grow ideas into great businesses, and it all starts with a question,"What if...?" Gnoso was created on the foundation of curiosity, and it continues to drive what we do. We love creating products through answering "what if" questions and are passionate about giving our customers experiences that don't leave them asking "What if there is something better?" Imagination. Function. Beauty. Three simple words that summarize our mentality and push us to create awesome products that delight our customers each and every day.


Albert Einstein once said that "Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving." Guided by the vision of our goals and the foundation of our values, we strive to provide our customers with amazing experiences and to deliver awesome results for Gnoso. But, we must be balanced. We believe that flexibility and freedom are as important as strategy and structure, and we rely on the strength and expertise of our adept team members to achieve this balance. We're not keen on burnout either, so we make sure that our team members can balance the stresses of working hard with a pickup game of ping pong or a Rock Band jam session on the Wii.

Home Sweet Home

Gnoso is located in the beautiful downtown of Greenville, SC – one of the best places in the world to live and work. Whether you're taking a run through Falls Park or eating at one of Greenville's renowned restaurants, it's a place you won't quickly forget. Greenville is big enough to be fun but small enough to provide a sense of community and avoid the common pitfalls of larger cities; we think it's the perfect place to call home.

Our office is in the NEXT Innovation Center, an old warehouse that has been renovated into a striking modern office complex complete with Wii rooms, translucent walls, high ceilings and huge windows. Located right on the Reedy River between Falls Park and Cleveland Park, we're a short walk from the parks, the Greenville Drive stadium and Main Street's West End.